Welson (Italy) model unknow

Aaah, those italian guitars....

I have a soft spot for them; they seem to have been created based on a child's drawing after he saw a picture of the Shadows or the Spotnicks.
It is a totally romantic approach to the electric guitar: more pick ups, more knobs and switches, leatherette and glitter, space-age shapes...

In a way, they remind me of those trucks and tanks I rode on merry-go-rounds when I was a kid.

The one pictured above is a Weston, model unknown. It ticks all the boxes.

Fetish Guitars has an excellent entry on Weston guitars.

It is possible that the UFO depicted here was one of their Vedette range.
Believe it or not, Welson made models that were even more outlandish:

And what about their glittery finishes?

Or fake wood?

The Welsons summon simpler times, the Dolce Vita of the sixties, the Vespas and the cheerful music of Marino Marini.



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